La presente Informativa sulla privacy, di seguito la Politica, ha lo scopo di informare le persone che visitano il sito e/o compilano un modulo di contatto, di seguito gli «Utenti», sul sito, di seguito il Sito, sulle modalità e le finalità per le quali ALCMEON raccoglie, utilizza e divulga i propri dati personali.
Per dati personali (i «Dati») si intendono tutte le informazioni relative a una persona fisica identificata o identificabile.
ALCMEON attribuisce particolare importanza alla protezione dei dati che gli Utenti affidano e si impegnano a rispettare la privacy degli Utenti.
La presente Informativa è progettata per soddisfare i requisiti delle leggi sulla privacy applicabili, tra cui
Articolo 1. Accettazione della politica
La Politica è parte integrante delle nostre Condizioni Generali d'Uso e si applica agli Utenti del nostro Sito.
La presente Politica si applica insieme alle Condizioni Generali d'Uso del Sito, alle note legali e a qualsiasi declinazione o estensione del Sito su social network e/o community esistenti e futuri.
L'accettazione di tutti questi documenti da parte dell'Utente è necessaria per l'utilizzo del Sito.
Se un Utente si oppone a una qualsiasi delle disposizioni della presente Politica, rimane libero di interrompere l'uso del Sito.
ALCMEON si riserva il diritto di modificare e integrare la presente Politica in qualsiasi momento. La versione attualmente in vigore è quella disponibile sul Sito alla data della connessione dell'Utente al Sito.
Resta inteso che l'invalidità di una clausola contrattuale non comporta la nullità dell'intera Polizza.
Articolo 2. Trattamento dei dati personali
Tutti i dati forniti dall'utente ad ALCMEON sono trattati con la massima riservatezza.
2.1. Nature of the data collected
ALCMEON collects the data that the User voluntarily declares through the forms present on the Site, in particular their last name, first name, telephone number, email address as well as any other information that the User freely wishes to provide.
ALCMEON is present on many social networks such as Facebook or Twitter. Access to these social networks requires the User’s acceptance of their policies regarding the protection of personal data which is completely independent of that of the Site.
Some data may be collected, after having received the prior consent of the User, through the use of social networks such as the profile of the User and, where appropriate, the information detailed therein (last name, first name, sex, date of birth), as well as their published messages and photographs with timestamp and declarative location.
Data may also be collected via newsletters, including their rate of consultation by each User registered there.
2.2. Minors
ALCMEON does not voluntarily collect data from minors under the age of 15 years, but some information can be retrieved automatically, namely when the child is connected to the Site, in that case such data is processed according to this Policy.
Once identified as coming from children below the age of 15 years, ALCMEON undertakes to delete this data as soon as possible.
2.3. Purposes of processing and duration of data storage
The data collected by ALCMEON is used to:
The data collected is for internal use within ALCMEON and strictly limited to the most appropriate teams.
The data collected following the registration of a User to the ALCMEON newsletter is for the marketing department of ALCMEON and is kept until the unsubcription of the User, which can be done by clicking on the unsubscribe link in each newsletter of directly with ALCMEON, as specified in Article 3.2 of this Policy.
The Company keeps your personal data only for the duration necessary for the purposes described above.
The duration to keep your data depend on the purposes for which they are used.
We promise to delete your data within a maximum of 2 years after our last contact with you.
We promise to delete your data within a maximum of 3 years after our last contact with you.
Beyond this duration, the data may be made anonymous and kept exclusively for statistical purposes and will not give rise to any use of any nature whatsoever.
The operations described below before do not serve for creation of profiles likely to contain so-called sensitive personal data say such as the racial or ethnic origin, philosophical, political, labour-related or religious opinions, sexual life or health.
2.4. Legal basis of the processing
We may collect personal data for purposes of legitimate interest such as the processing of applications that you send us. You can oppose the processing of your data on this basis at any time.
In certain circumstances, and particularly when the legal basis mentioned above is not applicable, we are required to obtain your express consent to the processing of your data. In this case, you may withdraw your consent at any time.
2.5. Information shared with third parties
The processing of the personal data collected is strictly confidential.
ALCMEON does not transmit any personal data to a third party likely to use it for their own purposes, in particular for a commercial or advertising use, without having requested the prior consent of the User.
It is possible that ALCMEON may transfer certain personal data to third-party partners in a temporary way and secure way to ensure the proper execution of the services it offers.
In this context, the partners concerned can be brought to have access to User’s personal data and process it for the account of ALCMEON, according to the instructions of the latter and in compliance with this Policy, as well as of any appropriate security and confidentiality measures.
When these partners are located outside of the European Union or in a country that does not have regulations adequate for the requirements of the applicable laws governing the respect of privacy, particularly to the General Regulation on the Protection of Data and French laws transposing it, ALCMEON oversees its contractual relationship with this partner, adopting an appropriate contractual device.
2.6. Hosting of data
The collected data is stored on secure servers located in France or in another Member State of the European Union.
It is possible that ALCMEON may have the data collected through its servers transferred to those of its partners present in countries, whose legislation provides a level of protection of data that may be different from that of the European Union.
In this hypothesis, ALCMEON will take all the necessary measures in order to maintain a level of security of the data collected at least equal to the level required by the European regulations on the personal data.
Article 3. Rights of Users
3.1. Nature of the rights of Users
In accordance with the laws relating to the protection of personal data in force, in particular to the General Regulation on the Protection of Data and French laws transposing it, all Users have the following rights:
In addition, the User is informed that they may withdraw their consent to the processing of their personal data at any time.
3.2. Exercise of the rights of Users
The User may exercise their rights at any time by sending their request, indicating their last name, first name, postal and e-mail address and a copy of both sides of their identity card, either:
Data Protection Officer:
5, parv. Alan Turing, Station F
75013 Paris
A response will be provided within a period of one month from the receipt of the request.
The User can also at any time ask ALCMEON to no longer receive advertisements or prospecting adapted to the navigation information from their terminal, by contacting ALCMEON directly and free of charge by the means mentioned above or using the unsubscribe link included in any prospecting that ALCMEON might send to them by electronic mail.
Finally, the User can file a complaint with the competent authority, namely the CNIL for the French territory.
Article 4. Use of Cookies
The User is informed that a cookie may be automatically installed in their browsing software at the time of their visits of the Site. A cookie is a file, often anonymous, containing data, including a unique identifier, transmitted by the server of the Site to the User’s browser and stored on their hard disk.
During each visit of the Site by a User, these cookies allow carrying out comprehensive statistical studies on the audience of the Site, to identify the User where appropriate, to investigate the behaviour of Users within the different areas of the Site, in order to customise the Site as much as possible in terms of organisation, display and content in function of the personal data collected from the User.
The User has the possibility to oppose the saving of cookies by configuring their browser.
The cookies placed in the Site are the following:
Type of cookie: Cookie for traffic analysis: ga, gat and gid
Source: Google Analytics
Usage: These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our service. We use this information to compile reports and help us improve the site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, how visitors arrived at the site and the pages they visited.
Expiration: Some of these cookies are automatically deleted from your system when you close your browser. Other cookies may remain for up to 13 months from the date of your last visit to our site.
Other cookies may remain for a period of up to 13 months from the date of your last visit on our site.
You can choose not to be analysed by Google Analytics by visiting the following page:
The configuration of these settings is different depending on the browser used. The method to follow is specified in the Help menu of the User’s browser.
However, the user is informed that the access to some services of the Site may be impossible or altered where appropriate.
Cookies from third-party sites can be saved on the User’s terminal during the browsing of the Site. These cookies may in particular originate from the content from social networks published on the Site or the use of the flash application to view animations graphics or video sequences.
During browsing of the ALCMEON pages on social networks, cookies from these social networks or third-party sites may be installed in the User’s browser. These cookies are subject to the privacy protection policies of these third-party sites and are beyond control of ALCMEON.
The user is invited to take knowledge of the policy for the management of the cookies of social networks and flash cookies by going on the sites concerned.
The duration of storage of the cookies is 13 months.
Article 5. Applicable law – Competent Jurisdiction
The present general conditions of use are governed by the French law.
In the event of a dispute concerning in particular the validity, interpretation and/or execution of the present conditions, the French courts will be competent regardless of the location and the nationality of the User.